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Ayurveda Hair Fall Treatment: Nurturing Your Locks Naturally


Hair is not merely strands of protein; it's a symbol of beauty, confidence, and individuality. Unfortunately, the concern of hair loss is a universal one, impacting people of all ages and backgrounds. Hair loss can range from subtle thinning to noticeable baldness, but it doesn't have to be a one-way journey. Concept of beauty (Saundarya) is gaining more and more attention globally and hair plays an important role in and it has been said that hair is a barometer of one’s beauty. In the realm of Ayurveda hair fall treatment, we explore the causes, symptoms, and holistic remedies for preserving your luscious locks.

Understanding the Root Causes of Hair Fall

Hair fall can be a distressing experience, and to address it effectively, we must first comprehend its diverse origins. According to modern science hair fall is one of the main symptoms which indicate many pathological conditions. Both modern science and Ayurveda shed light on the multifaceted nature of hair fall:

Modern Science Causes:

Hormonal Imbalances:

Fluctuations in hormones, such as those during pregnancy or menopause, can lead to hair loss.


Family history often plays a significant role in determining hair loss patterns.


As we age, hair naturally thins due to changes in hair follicles.

Health Conditions:

Conditions like anaemia, thyroid disorders, and low vitamin D levels can contribute to hair loss. Postpartum hair loss is also common in women which is normal due to low estrogen levels. It usually lasts for 6 months and can be maintained by following a healthy diet and proper hair care regimen.


High-stress levels can trigger a condition known as telogen effluvium, causing hair to fall out suddenly.

Other factors involved are scalp infections, dandruff, health problems, due to some medications, environmental factors, poor diet and lack of certain nutrients.

Ayurvedic Causes:

According to Ayurveda, hair fall is linked to imbalances in doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Various factors, including poor diet, stress, and hormonal issues, can disrupt dosha equilibrium, leading to hair thinning and loss.

Symptoms of Hair Fall

Hair loss can manifest in various ways, depending on its underlying causes:

Gradual Thinning:

You may notice a slow thinning of hair, particularly on the crown of your head.

Bald Patches:

Circular or patchy bald spots can appear suddenly.


Hair might become loose and fall out more easily during daily activities.

Full-Body Loss:

In certain conditions, hair loss can extend beyond the scalp to other body parts.

Scalp Issues:

Scaling or flaking on the scalp may accompany hair loss.

Ayurvedic Approaches to Hair Fall Treatment

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing hair fall that focuses on nurturing the body from within. Rather than merely addressing the symptoms, Ayurveda hair fall treatment seeks to identify and rectify the root causes of hair loss. Here are some key components of Ayurvedic hair fall management:

Panchakarma Treatments:

Panchakarma, is a set of cleansing, detoxifying treatments that balances excess doshas and rejuvenates the whole body which is effective for hair fall treatment.


This therapy involves dripping medicated liquids or oils onto the head and scalp, relieving stress, reducing dandruff, and promoting hair growth.


Herbal hair masks are applied to nourish the scalp and hair, addressing issues at their source.


Nasal drops are used to stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

Regular Scalp Massage:

Ayurvedic oils are used in scalp massages to improve circulation and nourish hair follicles.

Dietary Guidelines:

A well-balanced diet plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair. Some hair-friendly foods recommended in Ayurveda include:


Rich in vitamin C, it promotes hair growth and strengthens roots.


Contains essential nutrients that nourish the scalp.


Keeps the body hydrated, benefiting hair health.

Sesame Seeds:

Packed with nutrients that support hair growth.


Helps improve hair texture and health.


Its oil is widely used for hair care in Ayurveda.


A blend of three fruits known for promoting hair health.


Rich in antioxidants that benefit hair.

Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts:

Nutrient-dense options that aid hair growth.

Green Leafy Vegetables:

Provide essential vitamins and minerals for healthy hair.

Lifestyle Recommendations:

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle for healthy hair. Here are some practices to incorporate:

Stress Management:

High-stress levels can contribute to hair fall. Yoga and meditation can help reduce stress.

Adequate Sleep:

Ensure you get enough restorative sleep to support overall well-being.


Drink plenty of water to keep your body and hair hydrated.

Regular Exercise:

Physical activity improves blood circulation, benefiting hair follicles.


Hair fall can be a distressing experience, but Ayurveda offers a path to revitalizing your locks naturally. By addressing the root causes of hair loss, nourishing your body from within, and adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can restore your hair's vitality. However, it's crucial to remember that results may vary from person to person, and patience is key in any Ayurvedic treatment journey.

To embark on an Ayurveda hair fall treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, consult with experienced Ayurvedic practitioners. With Ayurveda's holistic approach, you can nurture your hair back to its full glory, boosting not only your outer beauty but also your inner confidence.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any hair fall treatment program.


Q1. Can frequent combing and brushing of hair cause excessive hair fall?

Combing brushing of hair is a very stimulating experience for your hair roots and your can improve the blood circulation and promote hair growth. Overdoing this might cause hair fall.

Q2. Can less sleep cause hair fall?

Every person requires a certain amount of sleep for their body and mind to function properly. Reduced sleep causes stress which in turn causes hair falls.

Q3. Which fruits are good for hair health?

Fruits rich in vitamin C. We can add Oranges, Strawberries, Pineapples, Gooseberries and lemon to your diet as much as you can. Anti-oxidants rich apples stimulate hair growths.

Q4. Which ayurvedic medicines, oils can be used for hair falls?

▪︎ Kayyonnyadi tailam

▪︎ Thriphaladi keram

▪︎ Special oil prepared at Elixir ayurveda which surely promotes hair growth

▪︎ Narasimha rasayanam

▪︎ Draksharishtam (for anaemia and hair fall)

These are some of the medicines. Rest of all we can advise after consultation with the  patients.

Q5. Ideal water intake for healthy hair?

Hydration is extremely important for a healthy body and hair. Lack of water intake can result in dry and undernourished hair, which leads to brittle, easily damaged hair and hair fall. You should ideally consume over 2 litres of water daily to properly hydrate your body and have healthy hair