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Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach

Migraine – it transcends the boundaries of a mere headache. For those who have experienced the pulsating agony accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, fatigue, and blurred vision, it's a debilitating condition. Migraines affect millions globally, with a higher prevalence among females. In Ayurveda, migraines are correlated with "Ardhavabhedhaka" and are often attributed to imbalances in pitta and vata doshas.

In this comprehensive blog, we delve into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and its holistic approach to treating migraines, providing insights into effective therapies, lifestyle modifications, and dietary recommendations. Welcome to the realm of migraine treatment in Ayurveda.

Understanding Migraines in Ayurveda

Ardhavabhedhaka, as described in Ayurveda, corresponds to migraines in modern medicine. This condition is believed to result from an imbalance in the pitta and vata doshas. In Ayurveda, every ailment is viewed through the lens of dosha imbalances, and migraines are no exception.

Pitta dosha, associated with fire and water elements, governs metabolic processes in the body. An excess of pitta can manifest as a burning, searing, and sharp pain – a sensation that many migraine sufferers are familiar with. This fiery imbalance is often accompanied by visual disturbances and light sensitivity, which can be exacerbated by eyestrain from activities like using computers and watching television.

Vata dosha, characterized by air and ether elements, contributes to the nervous system's function. An aggravated vata dosha can lead to the erratic and throbbing pain often experienced during migraines.

Approaches to Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda, with its holistic approach to health, focuses on addressing the root causes of ailments rather than merely alleviating symptoms. When it comes to treating migraines, Ayurveda offers a multifaceted approach that incorporates various therapies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications:

1. Samshodhana (Panchakarma - Biopurificatory Techniques)

Panchakarma is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic healing, and it plays a vital role in migraine treatment. This series of bio-purificatory techniques aims to detoxify the body, eliminate dosha imbalances, and restore overall well-being. Specific Panchakarma therapies are tailored to individual dosha imbalances contributing to migraines.

2. Kaya Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation)

Kaya Virechana, a therapeutic purgation procedure, is employed to eliminate excess pitta and toxins from the body. This purification process aids in restoring doshic balance and alleviating migraine symptoms associated with pitta dosha aggravation.

3. Pathya Ahara (Regulated Diet)

Dietary modifications are crucial for migraine treatment in Ayurveda. A regulated diet, known as Pathya Ahara, involves consuming foods that pacify aggravated doshas. For migraine sufferers, this often means favouring cooling, calming foods and avoiding triggers that exacerbate pitta dosha.

4. Vihara (Regulated Lifestyle)

Lifestyle adjustments play a significant role in maintaining dosha balance. Creating a routine that aligns with your dosha constitution can help prevent migraine recurrences. Stress management techniques, adequate sleep, and physical activity are integral aspects of this lifestyle approach.

Ancient Therapies: Shirovasthi and Shirodhara

Two time-tested therapies, Shirovasthi and Shirodhara, stand out as effective treatments for migraines.


This ancient Ayurvedic treatment targets issues like throbbing pain, depression, and migraines. Warm medicated oils are held within a cap on the head, allowing the oils to seep into the scalp, calming the nervous system, and promoting relaxation.


In this therapy, a continuous stream of warm oil is poured over the forehead, creating gentle pressure. This rhythmic oil flow induces a deep sense of relaxation, making it particularly effective for migraine relief.

Nasya: Inhaling Relief

An essential treatment for Ardhavabhedaka is Nasya, wherein medicated oil or ghee is inhaled through the nostrils. This therapy not only helps in eliminating dosha imbalances but also provides relief from migraine pain. By addressing both root causes and symptoms, Nasya can be a game-changer for migraine sufferers.

Dietary Recommendations for Migraine Management

Diet plays a pivotal role in managing migraines from an Ayurvedic perspective. Here are dietary guidelines that can help:

Foods to Include

Fruits: Incorporate a variety of fresh fruits, with an emphasis on those that are cooling and hydrating.


Opt for vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale, carrots, and sweet potatoes. These provide fibre, essential vitamins, and minerals.

Legumes, Pulses, and Lentils:

These are excellent sources of plant-based protein, fibre, and complex carbohydrates, aiding in blood sugar management.


Include flaxseeds, sesame seeds, fenugreek seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds in your diet. These seeds offer healthy fats, fibre, and essential minerals.

Nuts and Dry Fruits:

Almonds, walnuts, cashews, raisins, and dates are recommended. They provide healthy fats, protein, and fibre while helping control cravings.

Foods to Avoid

Certain foods and substances are known to trigger migraines and should be avoided:


Its caffeine content can be a migraine trigger.


Excessive caffeine intake or caffeine withdrawal can lead to migraines.


Red wine and certain alcoholic beverages may induce migraines.

Processed and Spicy Foods:

These can aggravate pitta dosha and trigger migraines.

Embracing Ayurveda for Migraine Relief

Migraines can be relentless, but with Ayurveda's holistic approach, there is hope for lasting relief. Ayurvedic treatments, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications target the root causes of migraines, helping individuals regain their equilibrium and well-being.

Discover the transformative power of Ayurveda as you embark on a journey toward freedom from migraines. Seek guidance from Ayurvedic practitioners who understand the intricacies of your unique constitution and dosha imbalances for migraine treatment in Ayurveda. With Ayurveda's wisdom and the care of seasoned practitioners, relief from migraines is within reach. Say goodbye to the agony, and embrace a life of vitality and well-being.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional before starting any migraine treatment in Ayurveda.


1.What are the causes of headaches according to ayurveda?

▪︎ Constipation

▪︎ Indigestion

▪︎ Consuming polluted food

▪︎ Consuming oily and spicy food

▪︎ Emotions like stress, sadness and anger.

▪︎ Suppressing natural urges

▪︎ Excessive intake of pungent tastes.

2.What are the yoga postures for headaches?

▪︎ Shavasana

▪︎ Set bandhasana

▪︎ Paschimottanasana

▪︎ Janushirshasana

▪︎ Balasana

3.What are the ayurvedic tips to avoid migraine headache?

▪︎ Avoid late nights, sleeping less than 7 hrs or more than 8

▪︎ Avoid excess alcohol consumption and smoking

▪︎ Have a morning and evening walk

▪︎ Avoid long periods of direct sunlight